Numerological Day Analysis 5-5-2019 22/4 Mystic
‚The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight’ Joseph Campbell
5-5–2019 22/4 Mystic
Spirit: 5 Expansion; Fullness; Inner Motivation; Adventure;Life Fulfilment; Freedom; Order
Soul: 5 Expansion; Fullness; Inner Motivation; Adventure;Life Fulfilment; Freedom; Order
Body: 19 Healer factor
The sum total of today is 22: Mystic. You want to experience your inner mystic through your spirit’s and your soul’s expansion and your physical healing. Mysticism is understanding life beyond logic, today inspired by double expansion. Have a mystical day!
“Focussed Leadership” is the theme for this mystical day.
On the ‘Focussed Leadership’ you are challenged to look into your own darkness and conquer it. You are inspired by charity – taking care of others as you are taking of yourself. Make sure you don’t give yourself away. You are driven by your (sexual) life-energy focussing on involution and evolution. Meaning that you want to transform this sexual life-energy into wisdom.
Your sense for expansion is driving your intuition today. Tap into your intuition and inner happiness will be the result.
Additionally if you are able to tap into your femininity, your strong sense of expansion, fullness and order, will drive you to become the ‘seeker’ in every aspect of your life.
See you in:
Istanbul September 17-20!!