Daily Analysis
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Daily Analysis
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Niels Pilaar
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This author also wrote these articles
Numerological day analysis 23–5-2020 14/5 Charity/ Expansion
23 mei 2020
Charity leading to expansion and inspired by unconditional love....
Numerological day analysis : 22-5-2020 13/4 Renewal; Construction; Re-Birth/ Physical Realization, Daily practice
22 mei 2020
Renewal, Re-birth leading to Physical Realization of it . Today the...
Numerological day analysis 21–5-2020 12/3 Perfection, Completion/ Will to change; Conscious Decision
21 mei 2020
A day of Perfection, with the spirit of Insight, leading to the expression...
NumeroLogical Day Analysis: 20-5-2020 11/2 Master Number; Genius or Madness/ Intuition or Doubt
20 mei 2020
Mastery, inspired by Immortality, leading to following your Intuition. With...
NumeroLogical Day Analysis 19–5-2020 19/10 Healer factor/ Transformation, Transition
19 mei 2020
Healing in a broader sense means ‘making things whole’ again. The numbers...
NumeroLogical Day Analysis: 18-5-2020 18 Temptation / 9 Wisdom
18 mei 2020
Temptation leading to Wisdom, inspired by Temptation! It is Temptation time...
Numerological day analysis : 17–5-2020 17/8 Goodness, Benevolence, Humility & Beauty/ Feminine principle
17 mei 2020
Goodness, Benevolence, Humility and Beauty, leading to the Feminine...
Numerological day analysis : 16–5-2020 16/7 Perseverance, Persistence/ Self-awareness
16 mei 2020
Perseverance, inspired by perseverance and leading to self-awareness. How...
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