NumeroLogical Day Analysis 29-10-2018 23/5 "Unconditional love"
„Unconditional love is not the same as unconditional approval”
29-10-2018 23/5 Unconditional love (or Cry for Love)
Spirit: 29 Serve, aid, heal or “maze”
Soul: 10 Transformation
Body: 18 Temptation
The sum total of today is 23: Unconditional love. This you want to achieve through your spirit’s serving, aiding and healing, your soul’s transformation and your physical temptation. Watch out that your desire for the experience of unconditional love doesn’t turn into you wanting people to love you (cry for love).
Four major themes today: Leadership (red line between blue 11 and red 0), the Expansion of Self-awareness ( red line between blue 2 and red 11) , Focus (red line between red 8 and blue 9) and Change (red line between red 9 and blue 0).
On the leadership you are aiming for leadership through Vitality: the sheer appearance of your Powerful Presence. Inspiration and chaos are there, you need to find your sense of expansion, order, freedom and tap into your (sexual) life-force.
On the Expansion of Self-awareness you want to find your inner Justice, your inner Mastery. The inspiration is there (double red 11) as is the intuition (blue 2). If you can connect intuitively to your sexuality, this high goal of Justice will be in reach.
On the theme of Focus in your life -deciding what to hold on to and what to let go of- you really want to take the decisions now. Let the decisions be the highest expression of you and dare to look at the consequences on the long run. Maybe difficult to do now, but so rewarding eventually.
On Change you aim for becoming fully awake in the here and now, being able to react in a reflex. The wisdom and the chaos is there, you need to find your inner sense of expansion, order, freedom and your ability to manifest, to reap the full benefit of the Change.
The day is supported by high spiritual, emotional and physical awareness aiming at transformative renewals. Your intuition and your femininity may bring you amazingly powerful new insights. It also brings out the “avant-gardist’ in you. One with transformative healing powers, able to change the world.
Have an unconditionally loving day :-)
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