Numerological day analysis 2-2-2020 8 Feminine principle, Yin, Eros, Art, Growth and Decay

The feminine principle rules the day with triple intuition or triple doubt! Either you have deep and healing intuitions or your have fearful doubts. May you follow your intuition.

2-2-2020 8 Feminine principle, Yin, Eros, Art, Growth and Decay

Spirit: 2 Duality, Intuition or Doubt

Soul: 2 Duality, Intuition or Doubt.

Body: 20 Immortality

The sum total of today is 8: Feminine principle, Yin, Eros, Art, Growth and Decay. This you want to live and express through your spirit’s and your soul’s intuition and your physical Immortality. 2 is the Dividing, Separating Principle. It either leads to intuition or it leads to doubt. As the One divides Itself through replication, either an “Understanding of Self” develops – which might be the original goal of the Divine Idea- or endless loops of thoughts arise (Mind- fucking or Doubting).

One major theme:  Self-Aware Change.

On the theme of ‘self-aware change’  the expansion of your self-awareness drives the change. It is calling you to show your deepest essence to the world, which at its heart has the goodness, benevolence, humility and beauty in it. You have the intuition and the access to chaos, now find your  awareness of ‘Self’ and your power to expand.

You have high spiritual awareness today giving you this aura of feminine eros which attracts people to you. It manifests through a high level of vitality and feminine goodness, benevolence and beauty.  Use it well.

See you in:

Istanbul (T)January 29-Feb 2)

Düsseldorf(D) Arbeitskreis 7. Februar 2020

Zutphen (Nl) 21 Februari 2020