Numerological Day Analysis 16-1-2018
You are all things. Denying, rejecting, judging or hiding from any aspect of your total being creates pain and results in a lack of wholeness”. Joy Page
16-1-2018 19/10 Healing factor/ Transformation
Spirit: 16 Perseverance, Persistence
Soul: 1 Unity, Inspiration, Leadership
Body: 18 Temptation
1-6 is the central axis in de the Pentagram ( see the blue vertical line). It is your backbone, it is how heaven (1) and earth(6) come together. In NumeroLogic it is also called the axis of Awakening. Joy Page’s quote refers to that awakening and the realization that your are all things. It takes a lot of perseverance, healing and transformation to own that.
Two major themes today: leadership (vertical blue line) and the expansion of self-awareness (red line)
Your leadership aims at leadership through vitality-physical presence-life force. Your sheer appearance, the strength of your charisma gives you the leadership. You need to be very flexible and open to change to make it happen.
Your expansion of self-awareness aims at finding your inner justice- this place inside you where you just know what is right, irrespective of what others say or what the current rules and regulations of society are…The power of persistence is present, the power of self-awareness needs to be developed (Asking yourself the questions: Who am I? Why am I? What am I? )
Feminine awareness is high today. So sing, dance, love and connect.
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