Numerological day analysis : 13-4-2020 12/3 Perfection, Completion

Perfection is inspired today by renewal and re-birth. It reminds me of Zen gardens. They look perfect and still the monks work to renew and re-birth them, perhaps to a level of immortal beauty. Let you physical actions today be inspired to create perfection through renewal and re-birth.

13-4-2020 12/3 Perfection, Completion

Spirit:     13  Renewal; Construction; Re-Birth

Soul: 4 Physical Realization; Matter; Pragmatic Way; Daily practice; Day-to-day life

Body: 20 Immortality

The sum total of today is 12: Perfection. You want to achieve perfection through your spirit’s renewal , your soul’s ability to manifest and your physical immortality. Perfection is inspired today by renewal and re-birth. It reminds me of Zen gardens. They look perfect and still the monks work to renew and re-birth them, for me to a level of immortal beauty. Let your physical actions today be inspired by renewal and re-birth in order to create perfection.

The pentagram had two major themes today: ‘Relationships’ and ‘Focus’

Blue 3-Red 0: Axis of Relationships

On the axis of relationships change, transformation drives the way you relate to others and the way you define your relationships. The way you relate today will be more ‘process’ oriented than ‘fixed and stable’. Your mind wants to be free and be the decision maker in the relationship whilst your feelings sense everything that is not real, not authentic or not embodied, creating a tension with ‘mind-decisions’. The key lies in letting your love expand unconditionally and thus master the balance in your relationship.

Blue 4- Red 1: Axis of Focus-Fate

On the axis of Focus and Fate change, your inner awakening and leadership drives your quest for focus and concentration. Your inner leadership makes your decide what to hold on to and what to let go of. Focussing and thus avoiding fate, is a dominant feature today. You will know that you have the right focus once your vitality goes up. The right focus literally frees life energy stored in you.

Levels of awareness

Spiritual, mental and emotional awareness is high today, giving you the energies of the  intuitive ‘sun child’. It means that you want to be in the center of attention. Not only that, you have to be in the center of attention today. Attract people and shine, like the sun does.

No numbers on the feet

With so much inspirational, intuitive, mental and emotional power flowing through you, make sure that you bring all those insights, ideas, inspirations into being. Getting them on the ground – physically manifesting them, may be the biggest challenge of today. So do grounding work, get physical, go out in nature (if you are allowed to).

See you (virtually) :

(D) Arbeitskreis 24. April 2020. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

(Nl) Werkgroep, 12 Juni. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni

Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October