Numerological Day Analysis 13-4-2019 20/2 'Immortality'

“If something comes to life in others because of you, then you have made an approach to immortality” Norman Cousins
13–4-2019 20/2 ‘Immortality’
Spirit: 13 Renewal, Construction, Re-Birth
Soul: 4 Physical Realization, Matter, Day-to-day life
Body: 19 Healer factor
The sum total of today is 20: Immortality. You want to know what is immortal in you through your spirit’s renewal, your soul’s ability to manifest and your physical healing. Manifesting Immortality is the big thing today. Norman Cousins’ quote tells you how to do that.
Two major themes drive your process of finding your immortality today. The theme of Relationships, the theme of Focus-Fate and the theme of ‘Awakening Change’.
On the axis of Relationships, you are being driven by focus-fate. You aim for finding the 1st spirit in your relationship. The spirit that defines the very essence of your relationship and from which everything mental, emotional and physical in your relationships stems. To find the 1st spirit, you will need to tap into what you want and how you want to relate to others and focus on it.
On the axis of Focus-Fate your desire for change drives your focus. You aim for expansion of self-awareness, spiritual insight, as well as balance and cross-fertilization in a wise way, by constantly choosing what to hold on to and what you need to let of. On a deeper level it also very much about your sense of family and clan. What is it you want with them or of them?
Your spiritual, mental and emotional awareness is high today. It brings you to intuitively ‘knowing’ God and to intuitively test the limits of life. The latter may mean that you let emotions run up high today, just to find out what in you is immortal or what is immortal in your relationship.
Take care that you ‘ground’ yourself today. Your physical awareness is missing today and therefore you might loose yourself in emotions, thoughts and insecurities. Go out in nature and walk!
See you in :
Greencastle USA April 27-28
Istanbul September 17-20!!