Numerological day : 10-4-2020  9 Wisdom; Intelligence; Communication; Sensitiveness; Reason

A knowledgable, intelligent person is not necessarily a wise person. Wisdom calls for a transformation of knowledge to a different realm. Such is the energy of today. Bring your knowledge, your intelligence on this viral war that is happening, to the level of wisdom. Ask yourself: What is wise for me to do in the current situation? 

10-4-2020  9 Wisdom; Intelligence; Communication; Sensitiveness; Reason
Spirit: 10 Transformation, Transition.

Soul: 4 Physical Realisation; Matter; Pragmatic Way; Daily practice; Day-to-day life.

Body: 20 Immortality.

The sum total of today is 9: Wisdom. You want to gain wisdom through your spirit’s transformation, your soul’s pragmatism and your physical immortality. A knowledgable, intelligent person is not necessarily a wise person. Wisdom calls for a transformation of knowledge to a different realm. Such is the energy of today. Bring your knowledge, your intelligence on this viral war that is happening, to the level of wisdom. Ask yourself: What is wise for me to do in the current situation?

One major theme challenges you to show wisdom: ‘Focussed Leadership”

Blue 1- red 4: Axis of Awakening and Leadership

Focus/Concentration drives your Awakening, your Leadership. In your awakening and your leadership it will be a constant question: what do I hold on to and what do I let go of? Not taking action and decisions here, will result in Fate falling upon you.

You are being challenged to overcome your (inner) darkness. It means you take full responsibility to confront whatever is left uncovered or hidden there. Only then the light of a new day (awareness) will come around. Your leadership is inspired by healing and it is driven by the energy of the high priestess of Eros (tantalizing). You have the inspiration and the manifestation power at hand, now tap into your masculine (sexual) life-force and your wisdom to make it happen.

Your spiritual awareness is high today, supporting the deep processes. It will bring you this very tenacious feminine perseverance, this direct access to spirit, this aura of eros. Combined with your masculine (sexual) life-force it gives you the energy again of the ‘avant-gardist’.

Very strong today is also your cosmic love, this very high level of unconditional love that shapes our world and our realities. Listen to it and let it guide you.

May Wisdom be bestowed upon you today.

See you (virtually) :

(Nl) Werkgroep, 10 April. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

(D) Arbeitskreis 24. April 2020. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni

Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October