Most people ask for happiness on condition. Happiness can only be felt if you don’t set any condition. Arthur Rubinstein
5–9-2018 25/7 Inner Happiness
Spirit: 5 Expansion, Fullness, Inner Motivation, Freedom
Soul: 9 Wisdom, Intelligence, Communication, Sensitiveness
Body: 18 Temptation
The sum total of today is 25: Inner Happiness. You want to achieve this through you spirit’s longing for expansion, your soul’s wisdom and your physical temptation. So Inner Happiness is directly linked to expanding your inner wisdom and longing for expansion and fullness…doesn’t that make sense?
The process is enhanced by one major theme today: Relationships
In relationships you want to take them to the spiritual realm: the source of everything, beyond the logical mind. Balancing thoughts with feelings. It is through relationships that you may acces the spirit of the world.
Mentally you are very strong today. Your mental awareness focusses on intuitively testing the limits of life (Immortality!). The downside of a strong mental awareness is that it may take over your life and prohibit you from experiencing life. This is where Rubinstein’s quote kicks in. You want your life to be happy versus just sitting back and letting it happen to you.
Also very helpful is the high awareness on justice you have today. More particularly on balancing the justice done to everyone. This has nothing to do with the judiciary system, but everything with your inner sense of what is ‘just’. At the core of your inner justice is this conscious decision for being good, humble and benevolent.