Numerological Day Analysis 30–7-2019  22/4 Mystic

‚The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight’ Joseph Campbell

Spirit:    30 Creative Will, Revolution

Soul:    7 Self-awareness, becoming the Co-Creator of one’s own Life, Sun

Body:  19 Healer factor

The sum total of today is 22: Mystic. You want to experience your mysticism  through your spirit’s revolution , your soul’s self-awareness and your physical healing. Mysticism means understanding life beyond theory or concepts about life. 3-9 (blue line in the Pentagram) is the Mental level, the level of thinking, believing, reason. It is the level where we make contact with the outer world. It is the level where we express our will, whilst being fed by the spiritual and emotional level. If you can really open up on this level, the Mystic in you will appear…

Quite an ‚inner’ day. A day of introspection. “Focussed Leadership, ‘Awakened Relationships’ and ‘Self-Aware Focus-Fate’ are the themes.

On the ‘Focussed Leadership’ you are challenged to look into your own darkness and conquer it. You have the inspiration for it and are driven by wisdom. You need to access your ability to manifest and your masculine (sexual) life-force, to maximize this theme.

On the ‘Awakened Relationships it is about renewal of the relationship from a point of wisdom. What you want is clear and the inspiration is also there, what is missing is your masculine (sexual) life-force  and your feminine energy. Once you bring those in as well, the renewal will take place.

On the theme of ‘Self-aware Focus-Fate’ in your life, you want to find the highest expression of your free will. You have the awareness of Self (half of the self-awareness) and the wisdom. You need to access your intuition and your ability to manifest, to really find the highest expression of your free will.

These three challenges are supported by mental and emotional awareness, both aiming at increasing your erotic potential. When combined with inspiration and leadership it activates the visionary in you. When combined with sexual power it awakens the „mover and shaker” in you, who is reaching for his inner gold.

There may be a tendency today to go into exile, closing yourself of from the outer world. What you really want to do is bring transformation in the world through your self-awareness. You have also have a strong tendency for dissolution and renewal. Dissolve your existing thoughts, opinions and feelings and come to new insights, concepts and feelings.

See you in:

Eindhoven August 24-25!

Neuss-Allerheiligen August 31- Sept 1!

Istanbul September 17-20!!