Numerological day analysis 30–4-2020 11/2  Master number, Genius or Madness/ Intuition

Mastery is the level beyond being skilled and it is a thin line between genius and madness. Let your creative Will inspire you to a revolution, act on it, make it immortal. Be a Master like Michelangelo or Vincent Van Gogh, create, revolutionize and show your genius!

30–4-2020 11/2  Master number, Genius or Madness/ Intuition

Spirit: 30 Creative Will, Revolution

Soul: 4 Physical Realization; Matter; Pragmatic Way; Daily practice; Day-to-day life

Body: 20 Immortality

The sum total of today is 11: Mastery leading to Intuition. You want to achieve mastery through your spiritual revolution, your soul’s power to manifest and your physical immortality. Mastery is the level beyond being skilled and it is a thin line between genius and madness. Let your creative will inspire you for a revolution, act on it, make it immortal. Be a Master like Michelangelo or Vincent Van Gogh, create, revolutionize and show your genius!

One major themes drive your process of finding your Mastery. The theme of Focus-Fate.

Blue 4- Red00: The axis of Fate, Focus and Concentration.

On the axis of Focus-Fate your desire for change drives your focus. Your desire for change, transition and transformation makes you focus. What do I need to let go of? What do I need to hold on to? What do I need to manifest?

The two driving forces are  Family-Clan, I “Am” coming from the emotional level to join with Descent from the Cross, Death of the Ego coming from the mental level. Through your clan, your family you may be able to feel the Divine Spark where you once stemmed from. This gives you a sense of wanting to expand that spark into the world through your family. Opposing is the death of the ego, the complete ‘let go’ of a personalized identity in order to reach the point of Redemption: Love.

How to live those two at the same time? Use your free will to lead and inspire focus, use your sense of expansion, order, freedom, and adventure to renew, rebirth, take the conscious decision to build a family or a clan, in order to find your “I AM”  and last but not least  expand your self-awareness and  look for intelligent cross-fertilizations.

Levels of awareness

You have a high spiritual awereness (blue/red 23- blue 00) and a high mental awareness (blue/red 34- red 00) today.

Your spiritual awareness is obtained through Unconditional Love and the Factor of sacredness.

Your mental awareness is obtained through Vitality and the Descent from the Cross.

For both levels of awareness the goal is to intuitively ‘know’ God (or the Divine, the Universe) and to manifest your Divine Connection (This means that you listen and act upon your intuition, your insights, your inspiration, your ‘hunches’ as opposed to listening to your instincts)

No numbers on the feet

In the Pentagram there are no numbers on the feet (5th and 7th place) which may mean you have problems being physically ‘well-grounded’ today. Walk in nature if you can or do some dancing to become physically more present in your body.

May you find your inner Master.

See you (virtually) :

(Nl) Werkgroep, 12 Juni. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

(D) Arbeitskreis 19. Juni  2020. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni

Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October