Numerological Day Analysis 29-11-2018 24/6 "Day and Night, Light and Dark"

„Behind the veil of each night, there is a smiling dawn” Kahlil Gibran

29-11-2018  24/6  Light and Dark, Day and Night

Spirit:  29 Aid, Heal, Serve or “Maze”

Soul:   11 Master number, genius or Madness

Body:  18 Temptation

The sum total of today is 24: Light and Dark, Day and Night. You want to experience this inner journey through the darkness, through your spirit’s intention to heal, serve and aid; your soul’s mastery and your physical temptation.

Four major themes today for this existential journey: leadership, expansion of consciousness, relationships and focus-concentration

Each one of them with a theme that encompasses mastery.

On leadership it is the mastery of your life: realizing that you are the co-creator of your life.

On the expansion of consciousness it is the mastery of knowing who you are. Finding your inner gold.

On relationships it its the mastery of relationship: finding the right balance and cross-fertilization between you and the other, without anyone giving up on him/herself.

On focus-concentration it is mastery of renewal – rebirth. Constantly feeling into what you need to hold on to and what to let go of. The key is renewal.

The process is supported by high mental and emotional awareness striving for mastery in perfection.

The combination of the high mental awareness and your physical (sexual) energy in your brings out the “Mover and Shaker” in you. Rock the world!