“It is only through the female body that spirit can incarnate”
28–9-2018 30/3: Revolution; Creative Will
Spirit: 28 Femininity
Soul: 9 Wisdom, Intelligence, Communication, Sensitiveness
Body: 18 Temptation
The sum total of today is 30 Revolution. You want to create a revolution through your spirit’s femininity, your soul’s wisdom and your physical Temptation. You may wonder how the feminine spirit may inspire revolution. Easy: by giving birth to something. The physical birth of a child is the biggest revolution of spirit into matter imaginable. Chew on that one 🙂
The Pentagram supports this proces with the central 1-6 axis: the axis of Awakening./ Leadership and the 2-7 axis of the Expansion of Self-Awareness.
On the leadership axis (blue 1- red 88) we combine the Divine with Sexuality, the only way we humans are able to bring a new ‘spirit’ into this world. The axis is supercharged by the double (red) 8: double femininity. The axis also indicates your style of leadership: inspired by renewal and driven by feminine eros, you want to overcome the polarity that exists. You want to bring yourself and others to the next level.
On the expansion of Self-Awareness ( blue 2 – red 9) you are looking for the dissolution of existing ideas, models, concepts and re-start anew. The intuition is there, as is the wisdom. You need to manifest it and become aware that you are the one to change your world (nobody else will do it for you)
This process is supported by high spiritual awareness (blue 2 – red 2), driven by your intuition. It aims at giving you very strong insights. Listen to them!! Combined with your inspiration and your sexuality, it gives you a strong drive to express your free will and brings out the avant-gardist in you. You want to ahead of the ‘pack’
As said the feminine energy is very high today with the double 8’s. Great for reconnection, enjoying the beauty of life. Don’t fall into the power trap though. The feminine can be so seductive..Use the feminine energy to question beyond appearances. Don’t settle for the obvious.