Todays energies tell us that there will be goodness, benevolence, humility and beauty if we let ourselves be inspired by spirituality or said differently: the expansion of our self-awareness. Try to find the answer to the oldest question: Who am I? Try to find an answer beyond the physical, emotional or the mental. Feel how you expand and feel the goodness of life. And the sum of it all? The feminine principle….
27-4-2020 17/8 Goodness, Benevolence, Humility & Beauty/ Feminine principle
Spirit: 27 Spiritual Insight; Axis of the Expansion of Self-Awareness
Soul: 4 Physical Realization; Matter; Pragmatic Way; Daily practice; Day-to-day life
Body: 20 Immortality, Eternal life
The sum total of today is 17/8: Goodness, Benevolence, Humility and Beauty resulting in the feminine principle This you want to live and express through your spirit’s insight, your soul’s ability to manifest and your physical immortality. Todays energies tell us that there will be goodness, benevolence, humility and beauty if we let ourselves be inspired by spirituality or said differently: the expansion of our self-awareness. Try to find the answer to the oldest question: Who am I? Try to find an answer beyond the physical, emotional or the mental. Feel how you expand and feel the goodness of life. And the sum of it all? The feminine principle….
This daring process is driven by two major themes today: the theme of ‘’expansion of self-awareness’ and ‘ change-transformation’
Blue 22- Blue/red 74: Axis of Expansion of Self-Awareness
Focus-concentration drives your expansion of self-awareness. In the quest to find the answer to WHO you really, your focus lies on what brings you closer to yourself. “What do I need to let go of because it does not bring me to the highest expression of myself, and what do I need to hold on to and further develop as it does bring me the highest expression of myself? Many a time you have to do what is difficult to do.
The two driving forces are Serving, Aiding and Healing coming from the spiritual level to join with Learning from Karma coming from the physical level.The balance of the two principles is dissolution and restart. It is a very restless energy as you constantly have to decide on new transformations, new beginnings. It takes the deep feminine energy to be able to rebuild again and again.
Red 22- Blue/red 107: Axis of Change and Transformation
The expansion of self-awareness drives your change and transformation. The more profound answer you find to the quintessential question: “WHO am I? “, the bigger the change and the transformation in your life.
The two driving forces are Undeserved Luck or ‘Deep Wound’ coming from the physical level to join with the Doctor’s number (or Decadence) coming from the spiritual level. The paradox is that on the physical level you are looking for luck and trying to avoid being hurt or wounded, whereas on the spiritual level you try to heal yourself and others. The key lies in taking the conscious decision to live your essence (your salt) based on goodness, benevolence, humility and beauty and to become a channel for divine energy (legend of Saint-Germain).
Levels of Awareness
You have high spiritual ( blue 22- red 107)and physical (red 22- blue/red 74) awareness today.
Your spiritual awareness is obtained through the awareness of Serving, healing and aiding and the awareness of the Doctor’s number. Spiritually you are very aware of bringing healing and wholeness. Its goal is that you intuitively live the feminine Eros, that you physically manifest vitality and that you show the feminine goodness, humility and beauty.
Your physical awareness is obtained through the awareness of Undeserved Luck (or Deep wound) and through the awareness to Learn from Karma. Its goal is that you intuitively show the Sun-Child in you. That you are the public person who stands in the center of attention, that you are a role model for others. Its goal is also to have very powerful insights and that you face temptations in a very self-aware way.
Be good to yourself and others!!!
See you (virtually) :
(Nl) Werkgroep, 12 Juni. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.
(D) Arbeitskreis 19. Juni 2020. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.
Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni
Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October
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