Numerological day analysis 27–3-2020 16/7 Perseverance, Persistence

Perseverance means that you are able to continue even when you think you cannot. Spiritual insight, this deep questioning of WHO and WHAT you are, may help you persist and persevere. Especially in the lock downs that we are, we are being confronted deeply with ourselves. Persevere and find the answer to the  quintessential esoteric question: WHO am I?

27–3-2020 16/7 Perseverance, Persistence

Spirit: 27 Spiritual Insight; Axis of the Expansion of Self-Awareness

Soul: 3 Will to change; Overcoming of Polarity; Conscious Decision; Decisiveness

Body: 20 Immortality

The sum total of today is 16: Perseverance. You want to express your perseverance through your spirit’s insight, your soul’s will to change and your physical immortality. Perseverance means that you are able to continue even when you think you cannot. Spiritual insight, this deep questioning of WHO and WHAT you are, may help you persist and persevere. Especially in the lock downs that we are, we are being confronted deeply with ourselves. Persevere and find the answer to the  quintessential esoteric question: WHO am I?

Two major themes for this day of perseverance: Self-aware Leadership and Relationship driven Expansion of Self-Awareness.

With the 16/7 energy today, comes the “Ruler-Judge” Pentagram. The central axis of the Pentagram (blue 1 – red 2) is present, indicating that your leadership is the theme today. Today you have to Rule, you have to be the Judge. Will it be a benign Ruler, acting out of unconditional love or will it be the harsh, judging one, acting out of a need for love? You have the self-awareness at the top for it, and intuition at the base, you need to access your inspiration and your masculine (sexual) physical life-force, to make full use of this very important axis.

On the axis of Expansion of Self-Awareness, the way you relate to others and the way you define your relationships drives the expansion. Your relationships trigger the deeper sense of WHO and WHAT you are.It calls for sanctifying, blessing everything we encounter. It doesn’t mean that we approve of everything that is happening to us. But when we succeed to see the individual in every living being and the higher value of that what is happening to us, our self-awareness expands and sets us free. If we cannot, it may lead to manipulative interventions.

Spiritual awareness is very high today.  You want to intuitively test the limits of life, find the highest possible level of expansion.  In combination with your power (sexual life-force) your spirituality brings out the “avant-gardist”  in you.

See you (virtually) :

(Nl) Werkgroep, 10 April

(D) Arbeitskreis 24. April 2020,

Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni

Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October