Numerological Day Analysis 23-6-2018

23-6-2018 22/4 Mystic

Spirit:  23 Unconditional love, “Cry for love”

Soul:      6 Male drive, Yang, life force, sexuality

Body:  18 Temptation

The sum total of today is 22: Mystic. You want to get to your inner mystic through your spirit’s unconditional love, your soul’s masculine (sexual) life force and your physical Temptation. So mysticism has something to do with unconditional love, sexuality and temptation. Who does not want to be a mystic?

Relationships and change are the two major themes of the day. Something is happening there! In relationships you are aiming for wise renewal. This may mean a break-up but or redefining your relationship together. Change is inevitable today, it is directly related to relationships and calls for total awareness on unconditional love. The difficulty is that you need to bridge the divide between chaos (allowing the new to come in) and order (everything has its intrinsic form and place).

High spiritual and mental awareness supports this voyage. Interestingly enough their main energies amount to intuitively living out your inner high priestess (of Eros) and to persevere in your feminine qualities. In combination with your strong inspiration today, it also gives your this magical aura of vitality and  (erotic) charisma. The “avant-gardist” and “the mover and shaker” are active in you today as well.

Sounds like an interesting day for relationships becoming mystical through the feminine….

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