Numerological day analysis 23-2-2020 11/2  Master number, Genius or Madness

Now here lies a challenge today: Will you be able to achieve Mastery – the level beyond being skilled- by letting yourself be inspired by unconditional love, by listening to your intuitive feelings and by manifesting immortal actions? Or will you cry out for love, doubt yourself and destroy your environment?

23-2-2020 11/2  Master number, Genius or Madness

Spirit: 23 Unconditional Love or “Cry for Love”?

Soul: 2 Intuition or Doubt.

Body: 20 Immortality

The sum total of today is 11: Mastery. You want to achieve mastery through your spirit’s unconditional love, your soul’s intuition and your physical immortality. Now here lies a challenge today: Will you be able to achieve Mastery – the level beyond being skilled- by letting yourself be inspired by unconditional love, by listening to your intuitive feelings and by manifesting immortal actions? Or will you cry out for love, doubt yourself and destroy your environment?

As you see in the Pentagram there are numbers only on the top of the Pentagram. The spiritual and the mental levels  let you intuitively ‘know’ God and intuitively test the limits of life. You may come up with some very extreme intuitions and also some very extreme thoughts. Positively speaking you have an incredibly inspiring day, you will be able to translate all that spiritual input into workable ideas, concepts, belief systems and decision. Negatively you are bound to doubt and question everything, stall your development process or escape in a spiritual by-pass.

Shadow work – facing your inner demons- is a necessity today. Once you do, you will be able to ‘ground’ all those phenomal and masterful ideas that you have. Also walking in nature or dancing will help you to become physically more present.

May you find your inner Master.

See you in:

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