Numerological Day Analysis 22-7-2019 23/5 Unconditional Love or ‘Cry for Love?”

“Love can never possess. Love is giving freedom to the other. Love is an unconditional gift, it is not a bargain” Osho

Spirit: 22 Mystic

Soul: 7 Self-awareness, Becoming the Co-Creator of your own Life, Sun

Body: 19 Healer factor

The sum total of today is 23: unconditional love. You want to live unconditional love through your spirit’s mysticism , your soul’s self-awareness and your physical healing. Unconditional love is rarely seen. Usually we cry out for love. We want other to love us, so that we feel loved, in stead of loving ourselves.

Two major themes drives today’s quest for unconditional love.  ‘Awakened Self-Awareness’ and ‘Self-aware Relationships’.

On the axis of the expansion of Self-Awareness it is your desire to ‘awaken’ that drives you. This dominant force drives you to deeply understand who you are, what you are and why you are. You have the intuition, the masculine (sexual) life force and the inspiration available, now go look for your sense of ‘I am’  to complete the quest. A high sense of justice will be the result.

The axis of Relationships is driven by your desire for expansion of self-awareness. You want to become self-aware through your relationships and you want to bring self-awareness in the relationship. The goal is to achieve a high degree of goodness, benevolence, humility and beauty in the relationship. It will take feeling into your sense of  ‘I am’ and your ability to open up and receive to make it happen.

Mental and physical awareness are high today. Both giving you this energy of transformative renewal.

See you in:

Eindhoven August 24-25!

Neuss-Allerheiligen August 31- Sept 1!

Istanbul September 17-20!!