Numerological Day Analysis 20–9-2019 23/5 Unconditional Love or ‘Cry for Love’

„Unconditional love is not the same as unconditional approval”

Spirit:  20 Immortality

Soul:    9 Wisdom; Intelligence; Communication; Sensitiveness

Body:  19 Healer factor

The sum total of today is 23: Unconditional Love or Cry for Love. You want to give and receive love through your spirit’s immortality , your soul’s wisdom and your physical healing. When we cannot sincerely live unconditional love, we tend to turn it into a cry for love. Our partner, friends, bosses have to love us in order for us to feel good. Take a good look today on what loving someone means to you. Focus yourself and set clear boundaries. That in itself can be an act of unconditional love.

Three major themes support this quest for unconditional love:’Change driven Leadership’,  ‘Awakened Self-Awareness’ and ‘Focussed Change-Transformation’.

The axis of leadership is driven by change- transformation. It gives you an aura of ‘high vital power’. Your mere presence literally ‘lights up’ the room. You will be leading by ‘being’ and not so much by ‘doing’. You have the inspiration and the access to chaos t for it. Now  find your sense of expansion, order and freedom as well as your  masculine sexual life-force, to reap the full effect of your leadership.

On the axis of the expansion of Self-Awareness it is your desire to ‘awaken’ that drives you. This dominant force drives you to deeply understand who you are, what you are and why you are. You have the intuition and the inspiration available, now go look for your sense of ‘I am’  and your masculine (sexual) life force to complete the quest. A high sense of justice will be the result.

On the axis of Change-Transformation, it is the Focus-Fate that drives it.

Through focussing on what you need to let go of and what you need to hold on to, you create change all around you. This not only creates a huge awareness of being “wide awake in the here and now”, it gives this sense of perseverance and that of the ‘sunchild’. Like it or not, it will put you in the center of attention. For it to work you need to access your power of manifestation and your sense of expansion, order and fulness.

You are supported by high spiritual  and physical awareness giving you this awareness of transformational renewal! Take note that you have great visionary powers today. Use them well.

See you in:

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