Numerological day analysis 2-4-2020 10 Transformation, Transition

Transformation is the formidable process a caterpillar goes through in order to become a butterfly. Today is such a day through your intuition and your ability to manifest. Listen deeply to what your intuition tells you today. Trust it, act on it, manifest it.

2-4-2020 10 Transformation, Transition

Spirit: 2 Duality, Intuition or Doubt.

Soul: 4 Physical Realization; Matter; Pragmatic Way; Daily practice; Day-to-day life

Body: 20 Immortality

The sum total of today is 10 Transformation. You want to transform yourself and others today through your spirit’s intuition, your soul’s power to manifest and your physical immortality. Transformation is the formidable process a caterpillar goes through in order to become a butterfly. Today is such a day through your intuition and your ability to manifest. Listen deeply to what your intuition tells you today. Trust it, act on it, manifest it.

This incredible process of transformation is energized today by the ‘Focussed Change- Transformation’.

By focussing on what you need to let go of and what you need to hold on to, you create change all around you. This not only creates a huge awareness of being “wide awake in the here and now”, it gives this sense of perseverance and that of the ‘sunchild’. Like it or not, it will put you in the center of attention.

As said above a high spiritual awareness serves as a balancing energy. An awareness that focusses on transformational renewal.

You see that all the points on the right side of the Pentagram (left for the viewer) have numbers. It means that your efforts to transform are supported by unity, intuition, will, practical realization and growth. Go for it!

See you (virtually) :

(Nl) Werkgroep, 10 April

(D) Arbeitskreis 24. April 2020,

Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni

Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October