NumeroLogical Day Analysis: 18-5-2020 18 Temptation / 9 Wisdom

Temptation leading to Wisdom, inspired by Temptation! It is Temptation time today. Temptation for most people has a negative connotation: “Lead me not into Temptation”. Today the numbers tells us the opposite. Let yourself be tempted to explore new grounds, tempt others to do the same. It is a very direct way of acquiring wisdom.

18-5-2020 18 Temptation / 9 Wisdom
Spirit: 18 Temptation

Soul: 5 Expansion, Fullness, Order, Inner Motivation, Adventure, Freedom

Body: 20 Immortality.

The sum total of today is 18: Temptation, which should lead to Wisdom. You want to gain wisdom through your spirit’s wisdom, your soul’s expansion and your physical immortality. Temptation leading to Wisdom, inspired by Temptation! It is Temptation time today. Temptation for most people has a negative connotation: “Lead me not into Temptation”. Today the numbers tells us the opposite. Let yourself be tempted to explore new grounds, tempt others to do the same. It is a very direct way of acquiring wisdom.

Three themes challenge you to gain wisdom through temptation: “Expansion of Self-Awareness”, “Focus-Fate” and “Change and Transformation”

Blue/red20- Red 5 Axis of Expansion of Self-Awareness

Change and Transformation drive your expansion of Self-Awareness. Change -the only constant in the Universe – constantly forces you to go deeper and further in your process of finding out who you are, why you are and what you are. The two driving forces are  ‘Immortality’ coming from the spiritual level to join with ‘Awareness of Vitality; Power’ coming from the physical level.

The intuitive sense of Immortality coming from the spiritual intuitive level seeks to combine with the Awareness of Vitality and Powwer on the physical level.

‘Immortality’ is on the spiritual level in the Pentagram, which lies above Mind-Reason level. It creates this desire to find out what is immortal in us. “What” or “Who” remains after we have died? Is it possible to access that knowledge whilst still being alive? As it above the level of Reason-Mind, it takes a jump of faith to let go of your mind to find the higher answer to Who or What you are.

‘Awareness of Vitality, Power’ is on the the Physical Level in the Pentagram. The desire for Fullness, Justice, Holiness and Inner Order wants to develop Self-Awareness. Therefor it is also the energy of Dominance, Rule (Power!), Dogmatic Faith and Outer Fame. As such Power does not have to be negative – should someone with this energy live an exemplary life, no power behaviour will be necessary.

The balance of these two principles is when you actually bring the spiritual and the physical level together. You will then be a person who fully understands life both on the physical as the metaphysical (spiritual) level and who is capable of transmitting that to others in the language of the people.

Red 1- Blue 8: Axis of Relationships

The axis of awakening and leadership drives your relationships. This is all about “who is the boss” in your relationships. Are you capable of using that challenge to come to an inner awakening? The two driving principles are ‘Divine Guidance’ coming from the mental level to join with ‘Male sexuality; Strong Drive’ coming from the emotional level.

‘Divine Guidance’; ‘Fulfilling power of God’ is the reversal of  the constructive power of God. In the latter you still try to do everything yourself, with the ‘Divine Guidance’ however, you have recognized that the really important things in Life (e.g. Life itself, Beauty, Harmony etc.) cannot be “made”, but can only be granted by the spiritual world. You “open up” to guidance.

‘Male sexuality; Strong Drive’. Here the Male-Creative Principle wants to dominate the Feminine-Receptive principle. The sexual drive is therefore very strong and must be kept under control to avoid hurting the female half of a relationship.

The balance of the two principles lies in their sum.

So on the one side lies the challenge to listen to the Divine Guidance in you and on the other side you have a strong Masculine Sexual Desire, which somehow needs to be managed. How to balance these energies? First take the conscious decision to be totally awake in the here and now in your relationship. Then rebirth, renew, reconstruct your relationship wisely.

Blue 5- Blue/Red 108: Axis of Change and Transformation

The relationships drive your change and your transformation. The way you relate to others and the way others relate to you, especially in your intimate relationships, directs or creates change and transformation in your life.The two driving principles are ‘Salt of the Earth,Total Surrender’ coming from the physical level to join with ‘Spiritual Desire- or Pleasure and Opulence’ coming from the spiritual level.

‘Salt of the Earth, Total Surrender’ means Humility without subjugation. Complete surrender without losing your own identity. A kind of ‘healthy Egoism’. When you admit that you are part of the Wholeness (=the Universe) than you also have the duty to give your talents and abilities for the good of the Whole-without giving yourself up: that is the important point.

Once we die and have been cremated, all that is left of us is ashes and a bit of salt. Hence the expression: Are you worth your salt? It is a call to find your deepest essence, combined with goodness, humility and beauty.

‘Spiritual Desire – or Pleasure and Opulence?’ In the Far East this number is a holy and mystical number. It stimulates the interest in spiritual thinking – or to lose yourself in Pleasure and Opulence. You have the choice.

The balance of the two principles lies in their sum the so-called ‘Chymic Wedding’ or ‘Endless Love’. It is the alchemistic process of Transformation through the conjuncture of the masculine and the feminine.

Levels of awareness

Your spiritual, emotional and physical awareness is high today, supporting the deep processes. Your spiritual awareness is obtained through ‘Immortality’ and your ‘Spiritual Desire’. Your emotional awareness is obtained through ‘Cosmic Love’ and ‘Male Sexuality’. Your physical awareness is obtained through ‘Salt of the Earth’ and your ‘Awareness of Vitality and Power’. All levels will bring you this very tenacious feminine perseverance, this direct access to spirit, this aura of eros.


The spiritual, emotional and physical levels of awareness in combination with the 1st principle give you the energies of the spiritual, emotional and physical triangle. It calls you to take a conscious decision to focus and concentrate. It will lead to self-aware insights and it gives you the energy of the initiator.


The spiritual-physical quadrant is also active today. It carries the energy of the feminine divine guidance, the feminine ‘Thread with Above’

Note: If your birthday is today, the topics described above are your topics for 2020. Should a baby be born on this day, then today’s themes are the baby’s life-themes.

See you (virtually) :

(Nl) Werkgroep, 12 Juni. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

(D) Arbeitskreis 19. Juni  2020. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni

Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October