17-7-2018 26/8 Healing and Salvation
Spirit: 17 Goodness, Benevolence, Humility, Beauty
Soul: 7 Self-Awareness, Becoming the Co-Creator of one’s own life, Sun
Body: 18 Temptation
The sum total of today is 26: Healing and Salvation. You want to achieve this through your spirit’s Goodness, Benevolence, Humility and Beauty, your soul’s self-awareness and your physical temptation. So basically you want to heal and save the world – in a feminine way- by expanding your innate sense for who you are. Physical temptation makes you do it.
Today the focus lies more on how you relate to the outer world, than dealing with the paradoxes of your inner world. Your leadership is inspired by temptation and thus the deep feminine.
You are being supported by high emotional awareness today, giving you the energy of the ‘Sun Child’, the capacity to stand in the middle of attention because you have something to say and you are saying it.
You are setting very high goals you want to achieve in your work and at the same time you want to do that in full (emotional) consonance with your partner and others. Quite a challenge!
May you heal the world!