Numerological Day Analysis 17-6-2019 26/8 Healing and Salvation number

“As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation — either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.” Martin Luther King Jr.

17–6-2019 26/8 Healing and Salvation number

Spirit: 17 Goodness, Benevolence, Humility and Beauty

Soul: 6 Power; Male Drive; Yang; Life force, Sexuality

Body: 19 Healer factor

The sum total of today is 26: Healing and Salvation. You want to heal yourself and others today through your spirit’s goodness, your soul’s power and your physical healing. Whenever you are suffering and you are looking for healing and salvation, look at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quote and takes his decision as well.

Three major theme drive this quest for healing and salvation: the theme of ‘relational leadership’, ‘ focussed expansion of self-awareness’  and ‘focus on vitality’.

On the theme of ‘relational leadership’ your leadership is driven by your relationship(s), or in other words: how you relate to others. The goal is to find salvation in your leadership, which means that you strive to overcome the polarity that we live in – especially in relationships. This may mean being very confrontational. The inspiration and your masculine  life-energy  are there, now you need to find your own Will and your feminine ability to relate to make it happen.

On the axis of the expansion of self-awareness, by means of creating focus in your awareness, you aim for dissolution and  restart. It calls for a deep surrender to a higher power or principle. Understanding that Life is bigger than you are and that you are Life. You have the wisdom and the realization of ‘I AM’ . Now you need to listen to your intuitions and use your power to manifest to make this axis work.

On the axis of focus-fate, driven by the axis of Awakening and Leadership, you aim for the highest form of vitality. You will know when you have the right focus when you feel more vital en life around you shows more vitality. You have the  inspiration, the wisdom and  your (sexual) life-energy, now  connect that with your ability to manifest. You will feel the result in your body.

Your spiritual  awareness is high today, giving you the aura of feminine eros, this magnetic force of attraction.

See you in:

Istanbul September 17-20!!