Numerological Day Analysis 10-5-2019 18/9 'Temptation'


„Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity” George Bernard Shaw

10–5-2019 18/9 Temptation/ Wisdom, Intelligence, Communication

Spirit: 10 Transformation, Transition
Soul:   5 Expansion; Fullness, inner motivation

Body: 19 Healer factor

So the total vibration of the day is 18: Temptation. You want to achieve that through your spirit’s transformation, your soul’s expansion and your physical healing. On a personal note: I could not agree more with Mr. Shaw. Marriage gives the maximum temptation and the maximum opportunity. Plenty of space for transformation, expansion, fulness and healing 🙂

Two major themes today: ‘Change driven expansion of self-awareness’ and “ relationship driven change”.

The expansion of your self-awareness driven by  change, focusses on finding your inner prophetic powers. You have the access to chaos and expansion, now find your intuition and your sense of “I am” and the prophet in you will arise.

The axis of Change is driven by your relationships today. It will put you to the test  if you can handle the change out of unconditional love. The pitfall would be to handle the change from a place of ‘needing’ love. Taking conscious decisions and really opening up to your partner, will be the challenge.

Spiritual, Mental and Physical awareness are high, all giving you this high feminine quality. It may give you an aura of sensuality enabling you to manifest very divine ideas. The ‘upside’ of Temptation?

See you in:

Istanbul September 17-20!!