Numerological Day Analysis 10-2-2018

„We make a living by what we get….but we make a life by what we give” Winston Churchill

10-2-2018  14/5 Charity/ Expansion, Fullness, Freedom

Spirit:  10 Transformation, Transition

Soul:    2 Duality, Intuition or Doubt, Separation or Connection

Body:  18 Temptation

So your spirit wants to transform, driven by your soul’s intuition and based in the physical reality of temptation….What does it want to transform to? Charity….caring about the other as care about in action.

The themes of today are leadership (red line between blue 11 and red 0)  and  the expansion of self-awareness ( red line between blue 2 and red 11).

On the leadership you are aiming for leadership through Vitality: the sheer appearance of your Powerful Presence. Inspiration and chaos are there, you need to find your sense of expansion, order, freedom and your sense of your (sexual) physical power.

On the expansion of self-awareness you want to find your inner Justice, your inner Mastery. The inspiration is there as is the intuition. If you can connect to your sexuality and your self-awareness, this high goal of Justice will be in reach.

The day is supported by spiritual and emotional awareness aiming at transformative renewals (your intuition and your femininity may bring you amazingly powerful new insights).

To top things off, the ‘avant-gardist’ is very much awake in you as well today.

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