Numerological Day Analysis 1-5-2019 18/9 Temptation

„A life spent resisting temptations is a wasted life” Paolo Coelho

1-5-2019 18/9 ‘Temptation’

Spirit:  1 God’s number; Inspiration, Ideas, Ability to lead.

Soul: 5 Expansion, Fullness, Inner Motivation, Freedom

Body: 19 Healer factor

The sum total of today is 18: Temptation. You want to tempt others and be tempted by others, through your spirit’s inspiration, your soul’s expansion and your physical healing. Don’t resist temptation, go for it, fully, expansively, with inspiration and let it heal you!

The Pentagram has that ‘expansive’ look.  All the points of the Pentagram are activated, so it is very much an “outward going day”. Either by clearly expressing yourself or literally going out or diving into new adventures.

Your day is inspired by healing: making whole again what was broken or separated. Getting things back into unity. It may mean repairing a broken glass, but also mending a relationship or finding your way back to the wholeness of nature. Inspiration, expansion and wisdom are strong today.

So is your mental and physical awareness. It gives you an intuitive sense of the high priestess of eros (quite handy for the temptation part of the day) but also in manifesting divine guidance, best expressed as the feminine perseverance.

Vitality is high today giving you some deep insights into self-awareness.

Have a great time finding your temptations!

See you in:

Istanbul September 17-20!!