NumeroLogical Day Analysis 1-12-2018 15/6 "Balance & Cross-Fertilization"

„And the chaos within me found balance…”

1–12-2018  15/6  Balance, Cross-Fertilization

Spirit: 1 First Emanation of Spirit; God’s number; Inspiration, Ideas, Ability to lead.

Soul:   12 Perfection, Completion

Body:  18 Temptation

The sum total of today is 15: Balance, Cross-Fertilization. You want to balance yourself through your spirit’s inspiration, your soul’s perfection and your bodily temptation.

Three major themes today: leadership, the expansion of self-awareness and relationships. Each one of them with a theme that encompasses mastery. On the leadership it is the mastery of your life: realizing that you are the co-creator of your life. On the the expansion of self-awareness it is the mastery of your wisdom: can you turn it into gold? On the relationships the mastery of relationship: finding the right balance and cross-fertilization between you and the other, without anyone giving up on him/herself.

Quite a challenging day…may you fertilize and be fertilized!