Get a new perspective on yourself with Pentalogie-NumeroLogic
Suppose that you are looking for answers on these life questions:
Who am I? Why am I? What is my leadership about? What is my sexuality about? What about my intuition or doubt?
What should I become Self-Aware about? What do I want out of Relationships? What should I focus on in my Life?
What should I let go of and what should I hold on to? What does Change mean in my life?Where lies my Transformation?Does my name support my purposes, goals, vibrations in Life?
If you do, then this weekend introduction to Pentalogie, Niels Pilaar, numerologist, might just be the thing for you. Based on the numerology of the Pentagram and the explanation of the numbers 0-113, you will dive deeper into what your life story might be.
Get a first taste during the introductory talk on Friday evening, then do the workshop on Saturday and get a personal reading on Sunday, and you will have quite a few new perspectives on your own life.
How does it work: Numerology based on the Pentagram
Numerology is as old as mankind is. Even when we cannot read, we can still count. Etymologically the origin of the word “tell” is to reckon, calculate, number, compute, consider, think, esteem, account. We write “accounts” of our travels or work. Each letter has a vibration. Thus, numbers can literally tell their stories. The birth date of a human being is the most important number. After all, it means the final transition of the unity into duality. On the basis of the date of birth we can then look at what the 'predisposition or nature' of a person is. This can serve as a comparison material with how the person is now. Additionally we can look at the value-vibration of your name and see how it supports your life themes.
In the 20th century German numerologist Hans Müller a brilliant idea: placing the numbers of your Birthdate in a Pentagram and thus creating a direct visual impression of the potential you.
What do you get out of it?
Analyzing your birthdate by means of the Pentagram and NumeroLogic, gives answers and directions in the very nature of who you are. It will show the major themes in your life, what challenges you have, what gifts you have to solve those challenges and where you may have to develop some new qualities.
Intro-talk: What are my major themes?
The intro-talk will give you a general idea on how the Pentagram works for you.
The major themes in a Pentagram will be explained:
Leadership and Sexuality, Intuition and Self-Awareness, Relationships: My Will versus your Will, My Focus in life: what do I need to hold on to, what do I need to let go of, Change in life: finding balance between Chaos and Order.
Additionally, we look at the awareness on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
If you register beforehand with your email address, full name and birthdate you will receive a free drawing of your Pentagram, your Body-Picture, your Shadow Pentagram, the numeric value of your name and a short preview of your themes for 2019.
Workshop The Basics: Learning how to draw and analyze a Pentagram yourself
You will learn how to calculate your numbers and put them in a Pentagram.
You will make the first steps in analyzing your own Pentagram.
With the help of the book NumeroLogic, you will then be able to draw Pentagrams for other people and analyze them.
Personal Reading:
A full reading gives you the analysis of your Pentagram (your essence), your Body-Picture (how do my energies play out in my body), your Shadow Pentagram (what is it I cannot see about myself), your other vibration numbers, your Life-Purposes (spiritual – soul – physical), your previous life, your Soul number and your Happiness. A full reading takes about 1,5 hours and will be audio-taped for your convenience.
Introductory talk: Friday evening April 5th from 19:30-22:00. Door open at 19:00.
One-day basic workshop: Saturday April 6th from 11:00-17:00. Door open at 10:30
Personal readings: Sunday March 24th from 11:00- 17:00 by appointment. One reading takes 1,5 hours.
Where: Shine Café and Holistic Center
118 47 Stockholm
076 711 59 75
Registration: By mail to Niels Pilaar: or to Amy Dyer For practical questions please contact Amy, for more info on content contact Niels. There is a maximum of 20 participants for the introductory talk, a maximum of 15 People for the workshop. You may register for the workshop or the readings after the intro talk, however: full is full.
Introductory talk: SEK 150 per person, payment at the door
Workshop day: SEK 1000 incl. tea and coffee, excluding lunch. Payment cash on site.
Personal readings: SEK 1000 per person, 1,5 hours, readings are audio-taped. Payment cash on site.
Book Numerologic: SEK 200
Special offers:
Intro talk + Workshop: SEK 1.100 + free Book
Intro talk +Workshop + Personal Reading: SEK 2.000 + free Book.