Numerological day analysis : 3–5-2020 12/3 Perfection, Completion/ Will to change; Conscious Decision

We have a day of Perfection and Completion leading to our Will (to change) and our Conscious Decision, which is also the spiritual energy of today. Look at what a perfect expression of your Will would be. How close does it get to the ‘Divine Will’, which would make it expansive and immortal?

3–5-2020 12/3 Perfection, Completion/ Will to change; Conscious Decision

Spirit:  3 Will to change; Overcoming of Polarity; Conscious Decision; Decisiveness

Soul: 5 Expansion; Fullness; Inner Motivation; Adventure; Freedom; Order

Body: 20 Immortality

The sum total of today is 12: Perfection. You want to achieve perfection through your spirit’s will to change, your soul’s expansion and your physical immortality. We have a day of Perfection and Completion leading to our Will (to change) and our Conscious Decision, which is also the spiritual energy of today. Look at what a perfect expression of your Will would be. How close does it get to “Thy Will is my Will”, which would make it expansive and immortal?

Achieving perfection today is driven by two major themes: ‘ Relationships’ and ‘Change-Transformation’

Blue/red 35-Red 0: Axis of Relationships

On the axis of relationships change, transformation drives the way you relate to others and the way you define your relationships. The way you relate today will be more ‘process’ oriented than ‘fixed and stable’. Your mind wants to be free and be the decision maker in the relationship whilst your feelings sense everything that is not real, not authentic or not embodied, creating a tension with ‘mind-decisions’. The key lies in letting your love expand unconditionally and thus master the balance in your relationship.

Blue 5- blue/red 102: Axis of Change and Transformation:

The expansion of self-awareness drives your change and transformation. The more profound answer you find to the quintessential question: WHO am I, the bigger the change and the transformation in your life.

The two driving forces are Vital Basic Force coming from the physical level to join with Devotion or “I” Catastrophe coming from the spiritual level. The challenge therefore lies in combining a vibrant physical vitality with deep devotion and reconnection with the divine. The danger may be to either focus yourself completely on the physical world or to lose yourself in spiritual humbug. Key is to take the the conscious decision to live your essence (your salt) based on goodness, benevolence, humility and beauty and to develop your ability to be a  channel for divine energy (legend of Saint-Germain)

Levels of awareness

Spiritual  awareness  is high today. It is obtained through the energy of ‘Day and Night, Light and Dark’ (confronting your inner Darkness, your ghosts, your demons, to see the light of a new day) and Devotion (surrendering to a higher Power, in whatever way you want to define it. It boils down to dissolving the ‘Ego’)

The way to go about it, is to Intuitively show the Sun-Child in you, to be the public person who stands in the middle of attention and serves as a role model for others. It also means that you will have Powerful Insights, which you need to listen to and act upon and it entails facing and embracing temptations with a lot of self-awareness.


Your spiritual awareness is further enhanced today by the spiritual triangle. It calls for the higher dimension of your free will, the Divine Will. Let the Divine Will (or God’s Will) be your free will. (Note: only you know what that divine will is. Let nobody tell you otherwise)

Note: Should today be your birthday, then the themes described above are your themes for the year 2020.

See you (virtually) :

(Nl) Werkgroep, 12 Juni. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

(D) Arbeitskreis 19. Juni  2020. Virtual online meeting. Send me a PM for more info.

Dusseldorf-Benrath (D) Grund- und Fortgeschrittene Kurs 20-21 Juni

Istanbul (T) Personal reading and Course 1 and 2: 7-11 October

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